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The indigenous founders and advisers to Instituto Maracá are members of, participate in and relate with multiple indigenous organizations comprising individuals from different parts of the country. This ensures a stream of information between Instituto Maracá and discussion forums concerned with the indigenous movement in Brazil. 


The indigenous forums and collectives we are involved with include the following: the Guarani Yvyrupá Commission (CGY), the São Paulo State Indigenous Teachers Forum (FAPISP), the Brazilian Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network and other informal collectives, such as indigenous women networks and community meetings. 


Instituto Maracá is also officially a part of the following forums and boards:


  • Regional Ethnics Commission of the Indigenous State School Txeru Ba’e Kua-I

  • Indigenous Education Center of the State of São Paulo

  • Advisory Board to the Kaapora Chair at UNIFESP

  • Sectorial Forum on Indigenous Cultures


Brazilian Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network


The Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network comprises indigenous memory-related organizations and initiatives. It works to connect peoples that have community museums and undertake collaborative, participative memory- and cultural heritage-related action in Brazil through meetings, exchange efforts and training in museum self-management, based on autonomy, participation and group work. 


Instituto Maracá supports and encourages Guarani representatives in the State of São Paulo to join the Network so they can stay up to date, share information with indigenous museum managers, learn about other experiences and find inspiration for the work they intend to do in São Paulo. 


Guarani Yvyrupa Commission and Meeting of Indigenous Knowledges


Instituto Maracá participates in various Guarani Yvyrupa Commission meetings. Cristine Takuá, one of Institute’s directors, has been appointed to represent the State of São Paulo in the National Commission.


The Guarani Yvyrupa Commission is an organization of the Guarani people comprising representatives of villages in Brazil and Argentina. We participate in the event to keep track of current discussions and reflections involving different Guarani communities in Brazil, to look into how Instituto Maracá’s proposals and projects converse with their demands, and to determine the best approaches for working with those groups. 


These meetings with Guarani representatives from different regions enable us to have broader conversations about Instituto Maracá’s projects and to make strides in connecting and dialoguing with representatives of different Guarani villages. 


São Paulo Indigenous Teachers Forum – FAPISP Meetings


Cristine Takuá, one of the directors of Instituto Maracá, is a FAPISP representative and keeps tabs on all its activities. FAPISP is an independent organization of indigenous teachers in the State of São Paulo that convenes on a regular basis to discuss and devise strategies for implementing adequate, quality school education policies in the State. FAPISP is currently working with UNIFESP on a curriculum proposal for a degree course in indigenous school teaching and advocating implementation of an indigenous school teaching career in the State. 


Indigenous Education Center of the State of São Paulo – NEI


The Indigenous Education Center of the State of São Paulo, an arm of the Primary Education Management Office (CGEB), is tasked with administering student inclusion policies. It works to help tailor educational policies and promote and encourage studies and research on Indigenous Schooling. Cristine Takuá, one of the directors of Instituto Maracá, represents her community at the NEI and attends meetings hosted by the Center.


Kaapora Chair Advisory Board Meetings


The “Kaapora Chair on traditional and non-hegemonic knowledge” hosts courses, lectures, debates, workshops, collaborative research and artistic expression by holders of knowledge on non-hegemonic collectivities in connection with knowledge production at universities, including indigenous communities, traditional African-descendant populations etc.


Instituto Maracá joined the Advisory Board to the Kaapora Chair in 2021. 




We have attended many ordinary meetings of these collectives, including the following forums and meetings involving indigenous representatives: 


Meeting of the Guarani and representatives of the Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network - August 3, 2016


Instituto Maracá promoted the participation of Cristine Takuá and Carlos Papá Mirim in the lecture "Indigenous Memory and Museums,” delivered by Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network representatives João Paulo Vieira and Suzenalson Santos, within the Sesc Training Center cycle “Memory and Oblivion in Museums.” The goal of the meeting was to formalize the intent of the Guarani representatives to join the Indigenous Memory and Social Museology Network and its upcoming national meetings.


Workshop: Indigenous memory, museums and digital culture (IBRAM) / Cultura Viva Program - May 2016


The workshop “Indigenous memory, museums and digital culture” was hosted by IBRAM in Brasília, bringing together indigenous representatives from Memory Spots – a program that spans villages of different ethnicities to work towards public policy ensuring the right to memory, based on the National Sectorial Plan on Museums and the National Culture Plan of the Ministry of Culture (MinC). 


Featuring numerous indigenous leaders, IBRAM and IPHAN consultants and indigenous museology researchers at USP, the event delved into memory and heritage preservation efforts currently underway. These efforts include cultural documentation, culture inventorying and indigenous museums. 


V São Paulo Meeting on Indigenous Issues and Museums – VI Seminar on Museums, Identities and Cultural Heritage - April 2016


VI São Paulo Meeting on Indigenous Issues and Museums / VII Seminar on Museums, Identities and Cultural Heritage – Índia Vanuíre Museum, Tupã/SP – September 2017


VII São Paulo Meeting on Indigenous Issues and Museums – Tupã/SP – June 2018  


From 2016 to 2018, Instituto Maracá joined the São Paulo Meeting on Indigenous Issues and Museums at the Índia Vanuíre Museum in Tupã. This annual event is designed to spark debate between museum professionals, anthropologists, public administrators, NGOs, researchers, indigenous representatives and other professionals concerned with museum-related and contemporary indigenous issues. The Meeting is currently one of the premier spaces for debate and reflection on museums, collections, cultural heritage and the memory of indigenous peoples, and it features representatives of different peoples. 


III National Forum of Indigenous Museums in Brazil – Nazaré Village, Piauí – October 19-22, 2017


The third edition of the National Forum of Indigenous Museums was held at the Tabajara people’s Nazaré Community, in the rural area of the Lagoa de São Francisco municipality in the State of Piauí. It was attended by indigenous representatives and delegates from institutions across Brazil that work with processes relating to museology and memory documentation in their territories. 


The purpose of the meeting was to follow on with experience- and knowledge-sharing, inter-institutional connections and network-building, potentializing collaborative and participative actions on cultural memory and heritage as well as collaborative and autonomous museology-related processes. 

Roundtable panels covered aspects of indigenous memory and museology, collective methodologies, managerial structures and work approaches, as well as the importance of indigenous network integration.

Hosted by the Indigenous Network on Memory and Social Museology, the III National Forum of Indigenous Museums in Brazil relied on support from Museu do Índio (RJ), the Ethnicity Studies and Research Center (NEPE-UFPE), the Ceará Community Museums Network, the Lagoa de São Francisco City Hall, the Piauí chapter of Kolpingwerk, the Indigenous Research and Training Institute (IEPÉ), the Piauí State Government, the Association for Local Coproduced Development (ADELCO), the National Indian Foundation (FUNAI) and the Federal University of Piauí (UFPI).


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